Asset Protection Can Help With Long-Term Care And Medicaid Planning
You have spent a lifetime working to acquire assets to provide for you and your family. As you age, will you have to liquidate everything to cover medical costs and nursing home expenses?
You probably have a lot more questions about asset protection, and the attorneys at Falkenstein, Meggers, Paul & Robinson, P.C., can help answer them. Located in Manchester, Connecticut, we can smoothly and efficiently accomplish your asset protection goals. Contact us to speak with an attorney.
Innovative Solutions to Protect Your Assets
After a careful examination of your situation, we can create a plan to fit your goals:
- If you or your spouse need long-term care, but are worried about qualifying for Medicaid, you do not have to lose your house or spend down all of your assets.
- It is possible to pay for nursing home expenses and still preserve the home and certain assets for the healthy spouse.
- If you are over age 62, a reverse mortgage will allow you to tap into the equity of your home and provide a stream of supplemental income, or use the equity as a lump sum to travel, make home repairs, and generally improve the overall quality of your life.
We are a suburban Manchester practice located outside of Hartford. Contact us to speak with a lawyer about protecting your assets. Our office is very accessible with ample parking to accommodate our senior clients and their families.